Damian in the Unforgettable...
Mind Busters
In Mind Busters the magician leads you and your audience down a path of inexplicable mysteries that unfold before your very eyes. Designed for an intimate setting, you will see skills of sleight of hand, smaller illusions, and mind busting maneuvers that will blow your mind.
Tableside Illusions...Damian the Magician gives an intimate and personal performance of close up magic that will delight your guest. This display of magic will shock you as your gaze is fixated on magic happening right before your eyes. This show is beautiful and entertaining.
In Mind Busters the magician leads you and your audience down a path of inexplicable mysteries that unfold before your very eyes. Designed for an intimate setting, you will see skills of sleight of hand, smaller illusions, and mind busting maneuvers that will blow your mind.
- Card box levitation
- Signed card effect
- Mentalism effects
- 50 minutes worth of mindful entertainment. Damian will leave you to pick up the pieces.
Tableside Illusions...Damian the Magician gives an intimate and personal performance of close up magic that will delight your guest. This display of magic will shock you as your gaze is fixated on magic happening right before your eyes. This show is beautiful and entertaining.
- Cards Rising
- Dollar Bill Exchange
- Wedding Band Vanish
- And many more effects conducted right under your nose.